Time for a new Tail
Summer, as we all know, is tim e for a new tail.
Unfortunately, , some new rings
that Jagd Knusto you ask him and so is, and did
Should start really, . To me, her, and anyone who would listen.
Again my digital interface is malfunctioning. Seems to always do so when I actually have something to say.
Can't remember what is is now.
Melonchildey c tune: "I d ed daddy"
Oh, sad.
Never try to make no H
boy Howdy. concise. cocheese
Soz someHow i stole your idHentity.
That tail doesn't look very new to me. The monkey needs a new tailor.
But I've always been a Taylor.
grace grace stupid face fuck her up the bumhoooooooooooooooole
It's likely tail, all things considered.
pshaw, a likely tale.
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